
Many Canadians have a considerable amount of money saved up and are searching for smart ways to invest. Maybe you are one of them. With any investment, the investor is taking a financial risk in exchange for potential financial gains. Generally, investments with high returns come with high levels of risk. There are a few ways that the team at SinoCoin Financial helps to minimize any potential risk associated with a mortgage investment.

E-MTG Represents You, The Investor, Seeking The Most Successful Mortgage Placements.

It used to be that private mortgage loan investments primarily consisted of family or friends helping out one another when in a time in need to help make mortgage payments. However, the potential profit in private mortgages for the lender as well as providing significant benefit to the borrower make private mortgage loan investments have become more popular across the investment community as an investment vehicle.

As an investor-centric program, each of our investors’ experience is unique in terms of the loans and returns that they will receive. Whatever your investment philosophy maybe, or your preferences towards growth or capital preservation, SinoCoin Financial are here to work with you as a partner. Our Mortgage Investor Professional typically achieves ROIs between 6 and 18% depending on their risk tolerances.

We source, and then analyze all investment opportunities presented to us. After careful analysis, only the best ones are packaged and then presented to our investors based on loan size, location & the yield preferences of each of our investors. We then facilitate the closing via our experienced external law firms, and can even manage the investment after closing at no cost to our investor. If you have the considerable liquid capital to invest (cash or registered funds), please contact us!


Some Of Our Key Investor Benefits Include

  • Your Investments Are Directly Secured On Title
  • Invest Into Multiple Loans For Diversification
  • First & Second Mortgages Available
  • Enjoy Flexibility On Locations & Types of Real Estate
  • Every Property Has a Formal Valuation Completed
  • Every Investment Is Reviewed & Registered By A Lawyer